E Company Street, Camp Strong, Hokkaido, Japan E Company Mess Hall
Downtown Chitose
180th Infantry Headquarters
Hanger at Chitose Field, F-84s in Line
Quanset Huts under construction at Camp Strong, Hokkaido,
E Company, November 1951 Sheep Farm Bivouac
E Company on Road March
Waterfall near Sheep Farm (Beer Cooler)
45th Division News, August 16, 1951 Hokkaido, Japan Division Aggressors Get Downright Nervy BY GEORGE RANDOL AND PIN WOODS At two times in the past weeks companies of the 45th Infantry Division have been at war with their parent regiments. Easy company of the 180th Infantry and Co. L, 179th, have been aggressor units during field combat problems. In one problem, Easy Company went against its regiment while Love Company fought against its outfit in another problem The aggressors from the 180th struck right at regimental headquarters when Cpl. Jack Newbold, Denver, infiltrated into the headquarters during the night. Instead of slipping in, he walked in nonchalantly—aggressor uniform and all. He woke Maj. Alton S. Moore, Okemah,Okla., regimental S-1, but his nerve failed him when he came to the cot of Col. J.O. Smith, also of Okemah, his own regimental commander. When the 180th’s Easy Company fought the 279th RCT the aggressors used psychological warfare techniques in addition to blank ammo and firecrackers. Lt. George Parish, E Company commander – or Roberto Hargreaves, commandant of the 188th Aggressor Parachute Infantry battalion as he was called while an aggressor – blasted at 279th men atop hill 289 with a loudspeaker. "HELLO, FOOLISH American soldiers." This is the aggressor speaking. We had steak and beer for supper tonight. What did you have tonight? Why did your foolish officers march some of you down hill into machinegun fire this evening? What are you fighting for?
Seashore on East Coast of Hokkiado
PA-237 BEXAR, Our Ship on Amphibious Training Weapons
Platoon LCVP on way to Beach Landing
James Attaway on R&R at Noboribetsu
Jerald Riddle, 1st Sergeant, related this story to his son, Sam Riddle When E Co. first arrived at Hokkaido, everybody had two sets of fatigue clothing, which began to wear out quickly, because of the serious training regimen and the volcanic soil. Apparently, all of Jerald’s efforts to get more fatigues did not succeed, and to rub salt in the wound, regimental headquarters sent down an order that all clothing would be patched, until new clothing was available. This order was followed immediately by another order, which stated that "not having any patching material" would not be accepted as an excuse. This made Jerald furious, and, uncharacteristically, he made some derogatory comment, that concluded with the statement that he ought to find some outlandish patching material and march everyone past headquarters in polka dots and pin stripes. Lt. Esper K. Chandler, the acting CO at the time, thought the whole thing was amusing, and began to add fuel to the fire. The Lt., an educated farm boy from Louisiana, was just "filling in" for Lt. Parrish, and apparently had some past history of "getting crossways" with higher authority. He told Jerald that he didn’t have the guts to carry out his threat, and repeated this theme every time the subject came up. I don’t know how long this went on, but the upshot of it all was that Jerald and Lt. Chandler got a jeep and went to the nearest village and used all their spare cash to purchase the most outlandish swatches of cloth that they could find, and then issued it to the company, with orders to patch all fatigues. The next morning, the Lt. led the company as they marched out, with Jerald bringing up the rear. As the company was passing the headquarters tent, he observed Col. "Bulldog" Smith (so named because of a jutting jaw) standing at the door, his jaw jutting out more prominently than usual. Before Jerald passed out of earshot, he heard the Col. yell at someone to "get Ellis B. (Col. Richey) on the line". Jerald passed a very uncomfortable day, dreading the return to camp, and the repercussions that would surely follow his rash act. Immediately upon the return to camp, he was summoned to Lt. Parrish’s office (who was very suddenly back in command of the company). He marched into the Lt.’s office in the best military manner he could put together, and reported formally, certain that he was going to receive a severe reprimand. Lt. Parrish was also very formal, as he informed Jerald that the company would be issued new fatigues immediately, that all insignia would be sewn on immediately, and that all old fatigues would be turned in, and would NEVER be seen again. He dismissed Jerald, and as he was turning to leave, the Lt. said, "Sergeant, you got away with this, this time. You should appreciate the old man (Col. Richey)." Nothing more was ever said, but soon after this incident, Lt. Chandler was put into the "pipeline", arriving in Korea months ahead of E Company, and assigned to an unfamiliar outfit. Jerald heard that he got shot in the leg, and was returned to the states. He never heard from him again. Note: 1st Lt. Esper K. Chandler was transferred to the 27th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division. He was Wounded in Action 6 Dec 1951.
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